Suspect List

Mrs. Karen Gypsum

Mrs. Karen Gypsum

Mrs. Gypsum is the wife of the Vice Assistant Provost on campus. She is an enormous germaphobe and has never been caught without a white mask in public even before the current outbreak. She goes on walks on campus with her 6 foot shillelagh that she now uses as her “social distancing stick”.

Mrs. Prussian

Mrs. Prussian

Mrs. Prussian grew up in Rolla and is a chemical engineer at Boomer Science which is a local engineering company. She is also a prominent member of the Rolla City Council and is a mother of two engineering students here on campus. Being a Rolla native, she is very proud of the history and heritage of S&T. She is said to carry a metal slide rule with her in her purse to always remember her technical background at S&T even though her current job is more on the management side of the company.

Miss Bromine

Miss Bromine

“Bromie” is a Biochemical Engineering student from small town Missouri and is a senior academically even though this is only her second year on campus. She brought in 152 college credit hours from her dual enrollment classes from high school but could only transfer in 72 of them, which is a sore subject for her. She was the valedictorian of her elementary school, her junior high, and her high school and is fiercely competitive. Do not cross Bromie or work with her on a group project.

Mr. Phil Chloro

Mr. Phil Chloro

Phil has been the head gardener on campus for the past 12 years and is very protective of his flowerbeds. As a large man, he can be fairly intimidating if you mess up his flowers, but he is mostly friendly and helpful. Ten years ago a group of students brought a bunch of live snakes for Saint Pats and they got loose and infested campus. Phil stepped in and poisoned the snakes with a form of snake poison which is also dangerous to humans.

Professor K Perm

Professor K Perm

Professor Perm has been a chemistry professor on campus since the 80s. He has been known to push his students hard but is a solid teacher. He also helps with the fencing club on campus and is an enormous Star Wars fan. He usually dresses like a Jedi every year on May 4th and carries a lightsaber on his hip most days.

Colonel Fluorine

Colonel Fluorine

Colonel Fluorine is the head of the ROTC program and does not take kindly to insubordination. His daily routine includes supervising the cleaning of the ROTC canon, doing 300 pushups in a row and eating 6 chick-fil-A sandwiches. In his office is a display of ancient weapons that look to be somewhat dangerous. It is unclear why the university allows him to keep such a display in his office.